Wellspring Learning Community Library Procedure in accordance with guidelines as set out from The American Library Association (www.ala.org)
For all inquiries regarding this policy please contact: librarystaff@wellspring.edu.lb
I. Borrowing Materials
- Parents and Friends of the Library are encouraged to borrow materials from the Library. Friends of the Library include accepted and registered new parents and students, sponsored visitors accompanied by a WLC employee, and WLC staff who would like to borrow materials for their children or their own personal readings.
- Number of borrowings for Parents is limited to 5 items. Number of borrowings for Friends of the Library is limited to 2items.
- Loan period is set for one week. Items can be renewed for an additional week.
II. Overdue Materials
- In the case of overdue materials, a written notice will be issued requesting to return or renew materials in order to avoid suspension of Library services.
- If materials are not returned or renewed, a second written notice will be issued.
- A third and final notice will be issued directly to the borrower when both attempts fail and all library services will be suspended until materials are returned.
- A material is considered missing when the borrower fails to return items after three reminder attempts. The borrower will be responsible for replacing the material.
III. Borrowing Resources for Students
- Students may borrow 2 books on a weekly basis during their weekly visits to the Library.
- Number of borrowings for Students is limited to 2 items per week (unless specified for research purposes or during winter and spring vacations when additional items can be borrowed).
- Loan period for students is set for one week. Items can be renewed for an additional week.
- Student individual visits can be made after school hours to exchange their books. After school hours are weekdays from 3:30 PM to 4:00 PM or check Library Visit Schedule for Parents.
- When a student is accompanied by a parent, we will follow that of Wellspring Learning Community Library Procedure. This means a limit of 5 items can be checked out for a period of one renewable week. All checkouts will be registered under the parent’s account.
IV. Material Damage or Loss
- In case of minor material damage, such as ripped pages, the student is responsible for repairing the damage. This is usually completed during recess time and scheduled with the homeroom teacher.
- In case of significant material damage (i.e. missing pages, multimedia malfunction, etc.) or material loss, the borrower is responsible to pay all materials replacement fees.
- Replacement Fee = Material Cost at the Time of Loss + Shipment Fee (If applicable).