A welcome message from the PYP Principal
Welcome to the Homepage of the PYP
Mathaf campus. Thank you for taking a look at us while you deliberate
the critical question of “Which school fits best with the needs of my
child and our family?”
We invite you to navigate our site so that you can begin to develop a
sense of what makes this school special, and is the right place for your
children and family. We hope this site captures the passion we have of
teaching and developing our students to be able meet the demands for
this rapidly changing world.
Please take the time necessary to learn something of the International
Baccalaureate Organization’s Primary Years Programme on offer at
Wellspring for the Early and Elementary Years (K-5). Hopefully you will
begin to appreciate how our commitment to the values of the IBO, and
the concepts developed in the PYP framework, provides a wonderful
interactive, engaging and challenging learning experience for our
As a PYP school we are passionate about the role of inquiry in our
teaching and learning. Teachers at the Mathaf campus work in partnership
with the student to develop their research, communication,
self-management, social and thinking skills. As the world is changing so
quickly, we are preparing many of our students for jobs that have not
yet been created. Therefore, our curriculum encourages the students to
think, question, wonder, problem solve and delve into real life
investigations to develop these skills that are essential for learning.
Research continually shows that teachers are vital in any students
learning journey. Our teachers are well trained, well supported and are
constantly striving to learn new practices. They make meaningful
connections with their students, and therefore are able to support each
child’s learning by differentiating instruction, as they truly
understand how their students learn best.
Our students realize that they are more than just educated at school-for
many of them it is their second or extended home. They love coming to
school where they feel cared for in a pastoral learning community. This
enables them to feel supported to take chances and become risk takers
in their learning.