ManageBac – Parent Accounts

A message about the re-launch of the Managebac system with the new parent interface.

Dear Parents,
Wellspring Learning Community would like to announce its re-launch of the Managebac system with the new parent interface. Managebac is Wellspring’s official platform to communicate homework, assessments, unit plans, attendance, teacher communication and progress reports.

Students in all grade levels (Nursery through Grade 12) receive their homework assignments through their individual ManageBac account. Students are able to communicate with their classroom teachers. You, as parents, will have access to the same information, in order to follow up with the homework and assignments posted for your children, and to monitor their academic progress throughout the year. 

One username and password has been assigned per family. The credentials of all new parents have been sent home with students today. Returning parents will use their same credentials as last year.

You can check the tutorial on this link and use the link below to navigate through the system:

For Further Assistance please contact the Student Information Systems (SIS) Office.

Best regards,

Anjel Lublubjian Bouari
SIS Manager